When you are looking for great fashion at bargain prices, online auction sites like eBay can be incredible places to find it. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you can get something really special at an unbelievable price, whether you’re looking for cool niche clothing, unique vintage pieces, or the latest fashions for less than you’ll pay in stores.
However, there are plenty of things that can go wrong, from finding that the item you want isn’t all it seems, to buying things that don’t fit. You can also, as the auction drives the price up, sometimes end up spending more than you originally planned to. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of shopping on eBay.
Remember That Only the Seller Can Cancel Your Bid
It can be tempting, if you see several items you might like that are similar, to bid on all of them, assuming that you won’t win them all and this way you should at least get something. However, remember that you can’t cancel your bid, so if it ends up that you are the highest bidder in each auction you are committed to buying all of the items. This may not be what you actually meant to do if the items are all basically the same.
Say you really want a pair of designer sunglasses, and there are five pairs currently on sale which would be suitable. You probably don’t want all five of them, so you should start with the one that ends first. If you win it, you have your sunglasses and can stop bidding. If you don’t, you can start bidding on the others, in order of finishing time, as your maximum bid gets beaten. This way you should win one of the five pairs and aren’t risking having to buy them all.
Really Check Out the Description
Good sellers give very accurate descriptions as they don’t want buyers complaining if things aren’t exactly what they were expecting. Many people who sell clothes do it as a business and rely on that good feedback. You should therefore be able to see things like what the item is made of, its care instructions, and its exact measurements on the item description. This is important, particularly if you are buying a brand you have never tried on or a vintage item – sizes can vary hugely but measurements in inches are absolute. If the measurements are equivalent to a dress, pair of trousers or shirt you already own that fits, then your new purchase will probably fit too.
Factor in Shipping Costs
If you are buying something really cheap, like a bargain dress you have won for $5, remember that shipping could cause it to cost more than double. People tend to be conservative in their shipping pricing, so it’ll often be more than the actual cost of shipping. Other sellers offer free shipping. There are all kinds of variations, so look at the shipping price as well as how much the item is going for before you bid and make sure it still represents good value.
Attached Images:
- License: Creative Commons image source
- License: Creative Commons image source
Today’s guest author, Jenny Wadlow, is a freelance blogger. She is a fashion enthusiast and often gives out fashion tips in her articles. She often advises her readers to try rockabilly clothing and experience the vintage look.