I think it’s almost time to look into getting a new cell phone.
I have a Nokia smartphone … from 2006, back when Smartphones were just new. It’s a nice phone and it was free since it was given to me by a local marketing company … but I’ve never been able to get text messaging to work properly on this phone.
I can receive text messages but I can’t send any. I’ve gone over the manual and had my cell phone company take a look and still no luck. The worst thing is that I have a package that includes text messaging and it’s a function that I’m not using since I can’t send text.
So .. now I’m trying to decide what type of cellphone I might want to get. I don’t have a huge need for media browsing or texting – but it would still be nice to have a phone that could do everything just in case I wanted to start using those functions.
Maybe an iPhone? I like the iPhone but I’d worry about my husband loosing it. He lost our first cell phone! I think he left it in a taxi cab. Hmmm maybe if we were to get an iPhone I’d have to look into iphone insurance or something.
Anyway … if anyone has a cellphone suggestion I’d love to hear it. We don’t use our cell phone all that often. We mostly use it to talk on on weekends and to take a few pictures. So something that would fit those basics would be great.
Don’t buy into the iPhone hype! You know Google, You love Google (how could you not), well their phones are great. The Androids. Based on what you are saying (no media, not a big texter), I would say to go with the Motorola Droid (or wait for the Droid 2 later this summer). Hope that helps!