I think I’m going to have to buy myself a pair of rubber boots! We had all that snow last week, about 18 inches of it and now it’s all melting away so quickly we have ponds of water everywhere. It’s so hard to get around if you’re walking anywhere. Yep, rubber boots are definitely a must .. until it freezes and snows again that is and with this crazy weather that’s just what it’s going to do soon enough.
Speaking of weather, our house has been so dry this year! We have humidifiers on our main floor and upstairs and I fill them almost daily. I’ve never had to fill them as much as I’m filling them. I don’t know why it’s so dry this year. My husband happened to have his Gibson guitar when he was visiting a guitar store earlier today and the man was an old pro at assessing the condition of guitars. He looked over my husbands guitar and said it was still in very good condition but there were a few places in the fret board areas that the wood had shrunk a bit .. probably because the house is so dry! I wonder if the wood will still look shrunken to this man with the expert guitar eye in the summer time when there is more humidity in the air?
I think Chris was in the store secretly trying to get a deal on a new guitar. He says he was just talking to the store owner and learning from him but I have a feeling he was checking out an instrument or something. He’s sneaky.
Anyway – how’s the weather in your area? Is the snow melting or is it raining there? Are you dealing with huge puddles too?