It looks like there’s going to be a lot of work done on a house down the street from us. It’s actually a house that I used to complain about when we had bad renters beside us … because the bad renters used to go to that house all the time to do “illegal” things if you know what I mean. We called it the crack head house.
Luckily the owner of that house wised up and kicked his renters out about a year ago as well and now it seems he’s going to either gut the house or tear down part of it. I saw a skid steer parked in front of the house earlier today so I think they’re going to bulldoze part of the house.
With renters in the house for so long I wouldn’t be surprise if the inside is in bad shape.
Being part of the neighborhood gives you the responsibility to be observant and vigilant to bad things going around the village. Maybe it’s a good thing that the owner renovates his house to get a new feel after those said renters. Nevertheless, check out Austin luxury condos for a whole new luxury living experience.
There are also house auctions and sale along the downtown Austin where the units are very comfortable to stay with. I have been living on one of the condos in Austin and I have experienced minimal to no signs of disturbance at all.