I’ve been more tired than usual lately. Perhaps it’s because of all the late hours I’ve been pulling staying up studying for exams … but I’ve noticed that I just don’t sleep as much or as deeply lately.
I wake up at night and try to get comfortable, fluff up my pillow and change positions. I’ve even gone out shopping for new pillows. I purchased a couple of firm pillows to see if that would help. My old pillow used to be quite firm but it was getting softer and losing it’s shape so I thought that might have been part of the problem but the firmer pillows don’t seem to be helping. Perhaps a neck pillow or even a new mattress might help.
I know one thing that really might help … if I get more active during the day. I’ve been less active in the last couple of months because of all the studying I’ve been doing. So .. I plan on starting to take the dog out for long long walks again beginning this week. She definitely needs the walks and I could use them too. The walks will be good for me physically and I’m sure they will help me sleep wise too.