I was in the hospital earlier today for a small procedure. I had to have a Thyroid biopsy – again. I’m supposed to have my thyroid tested every 6 months but this is the first biopsy that I’ve had in two years. Yes my doctors are extremely behind in my health care. Not Good.
The doctor doing the procedure in the hospital ultrasound department was fairly nice. He was kind of funny as he set everything up. I guess his assistant – the ultrasound person, couldn’t find any medication carts or surgical carts so he set everything up pretty much on my chest and stomach. That was odd .. but it worked.
Now I’m just trying to recovery from having three holes punched into my neck by the needles. It wasn’t really painful, but my neck does hurt now. My neck is also somewhat swollen where the needling was done. I’m sure I’m going to have bruises.
Hopefully my test results come out ok. I guess I’ll find out sometime next week.