My father in law is going in for one of those lovely colonoscopies later in the week. Since I’m the “Queen of Colonoscopies” his term, not mine (seeing as I have Crohn’s and get this darn tests sometimes more than once a year!) he called me a little while ago to ask some questions.
I told him that the colon cleanser is the worst part of the test and luckily he can do that in the privacy of his own home. Once he’s cleaned out he just has to make it through the night on an empty stomach and get to the hospital for his test. These days most doctors sedate or put their patients to sleep for a colonoscopy so the test part is fairly easy.
I told him to call his doctors office to find out if he’ll be getting sedation or put to sleep. I’ve done a few tests without sedation of any kind and believe me … it’s best if you’re asleep.
He felt a lot better after talking to me about the test. I have no idea how he made it to 81 without having had this test before, but he did!