I’m just waiting for the house next door to ours to be empty! We got word from the home owners that they are kicking out or rather having the awful renters next door evicted!
It was supposed to happen yesterday according to the home owners but it doesn’t look like the sheriff showed up to evict them. I’m not sure what happened there … but I know the home owners won their case, so the scummy neighbors should be gone very soon!
I just hope that they don’t cause trouble when they get kicked out. These people are really bad – I would not be surprised if they have a gun in the house … yeah so if I do see the sheriff and or any police outside when they are being evicted I think I’m going to either go upstairs or to the basement and hang out there until it’s over. Hmm maybe I should check on our life insurance before all this goes down? LOL
Have you ever had terrible neighbors that you just wanted to be gone? Seriously, if these people found a way to stay or delay their eviction we might just put our house up for sale … yes, they’re that bad.