You can’t go anywhere nowadays without spotting slinky skinny women showing off their perfect pins, luscious limbs and flat stomachs. Whether it’s on a high rise billboard or a saucy television advert, slim women are frequently shown flaunting their shapes with their trusty best mates – the skinny jeans. Yet it begs the question – Is it really like this in the real world? We all come in many shapes and sizes; so continually pushing slim and slender figures is bound to leave a large proportion feeling left out.
Just because you’re of ample size and over the seen to be ‘required’ weight – it isn’t to say you can’t rock the same skinny jeans as all the rest. OK so you think you’re fat, but there is no need to totally disregard skinny jeans. You’ll be surprised because you can still look buff in a pair of skinnies. Big is beautiful but unfortunately the term “Fatty Jeans” probably wouldn’t work.
How To Achieve Skinny Jeans Image
Maybe you’re standing there pondering the erupting muffin top you’ve so sweetly acquired. It’s easy to become disheartened after trying on your first pair of skinny jeans but just because the first test didn’t go down well it doesn’t mean you can’t conquer the skinny jeans image. DO NOT go down a size thinking that this will accomplish the look. You need a slimming fit, a pair of jeans that can comfortably hug your curves and bum, a pair that you can confidently stroll around in. Sitting down is another decent way to test the pinch and if you can man-oeuvre around without the fear of collapsing it’s a great start. If you are particularly bottom heavy then selecting a pair of dark washed skinny jeans can also improve the effect. Dark colours generally give off a much more slimming look rather than a pair of bright red or beige shaded jeans.
Wear Other Items To Aid Your Look
Another sneaky way of slipping into some skinnies is to wear other clothes that can help streamline your body.
- Touching on it earlier, darker shades can benefit your physique a lot more.
However, if you have very large thighs then wearing a lighter top will draw the eye up and away from your worriment area. It’s a common illusion that can make your bottom half seem a lot smaller than it actually is.
- Wearing skinnies with a blazer and high heels can also elongate your structure.
- Many people say that horizontal stripes are a huge ‘no-no’ for anyone who isn’t at ease with their slender figure. Granted, thick horizontal stripes can make you look like you’re wearing monster truck tyres but thinner stripes can actually muster a slimming illusion.
- Shiny fabrics are another poor addition to the wardrobe if you’re trying to develop a sleeker body image.
If you still haven’t found joy then a last ditch alternative could be a pair of high-waist stretch jeans; although they’re not skinnies and on the hanger they may seem unflattering, once they’re on they might be just the ticket.
You can also take inspiration from others around you. For instance, Jessica Kane – she’s a size 26/28 and weighs over 300lb. She’s a great example of how a larger woman can achieve the skinny jeans look. You’re only as healthy as you feel.
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- License: Creative Commons image source
- License: Creative Commons image source
- License: Creative Commons image source
- License: Creative Commons image source
Paula Thompson is an expert in womens fashion and is interested in helping all sizes, styles and ages.