We’ve been in renovation mode for a couple of months here at our house. It’s a been quite a while since my husband and I were renovating our home non stop like this. Back when we first bought our house in 2001 we did a lot of renovation – everything from knocking down walls to refinishing floors to painting and doing all kinds of repairs.
Then after about two years of constant renovations I got sick and we just stopped. We weren’t done renovating, not by a long shot, but we stopped … for about three years, then we started again for a few months and then stopped again until just a few months ago.
Now we’re just trying to finish up all the renovations that we started in the past. Finally get the house looking good. We have most of the supplies that we need. I think we just need a little more paint and maybe we might need to buy welding supplies for when we do the upstairs bathroom but otherwise we have everything we need stored in our basement.
I can’t wait until our renovations are done. I’ve literally been waiting 11 years to see how everything is going to turn out.