It is becoming harder and harder to distinguish authentic Gucci handbags from the forgeries, partially because of the fact that there are fewer distinguishing factors of authenticity. Forged Gucci purses and handbags are many times so good that one needs an authentic bag for comparison.
Protect yourself! It is still possible to get discount Gucci bags that are actually authentic. Continue reading below for some general characteristics for comparison, and also some specific telltale signs of Gucci counterfeiters.
Characteristics of Counterfeit Gucci Purses
1) One obvious sign (and one that’s all-too-common) is an inaccurate emblem on the front of the bag. Things to look out for are incorrect font sizes and letter spacing, (both as they relate to each other and to the entire tag), incorrectly spelled words, and capitalization errors. They do happen!
2) On monogrammed bags, look at the G’s. You’re looking for overall shape and symbol clarity. Fakes can have fatter G’s that bleed out like old tattoos.
3) Examine the colors on any potential purchase. Some counterfeits will have less vibrant, or even distressed hues, especially with the green and red webbing or lining.
4) Examine the quality of the materials. Like most handbags Italian, Gucci uses only the finest leather, fabric, and hardware in their bags. Any handbags with chipped, distressed, or cheap-looking components are likely forged.
5) Examine the overall craftsmanship of the handbag. Stitching should be even, neat, and tight.
6) Many ads for counterfeits will still have the word “authentic” somewhere, but nearly ALL ads for authentic bags will contain the word authentic. If “authentic” is missing, don’t buy.
7) “Gucci Made in Italy” must be embossed in gold on some part of the handbag or strap. It could also say “Gucci Parfums.”
8) For Gucci wallets, the stripes MUST BE blue and red on a blue “GG” wallet, NOT green and red; and the type must be clean and straight, not crooked or bleeding.
9) The handbag handles on some counterfeits might appear much thinner and longer than genuine Gucci bags.
10) Satchel bags come in brown and blue logo vinyl, trimmed with complementary leather. They will always have a twill racing stripe somewhere on the bag. Either down the middle and up the back, or as ribbons on each end of the handles. There will be a green and red stripe on the brown Gucci Accessory Collection bags and a blue and red stripe on the navy blue doctor bags in the G.A. Collection.
11) On current Gucci’s, if the tag is completely squared off at the bottom, it is a forgery. Gucci rounds the bottom two corners ever so slightly.
Keep this in mind: If it looks too good to be true, it is. But you can still find fashion handbags wholesale by connecting directly with sellers. Just know how to spot the fakes and always buy with your credit card!